Discovery Europe


Registrations are closed

The Discovery Europe summit covers the latest advancements in target identification, validation and HIT optimization.

The event will bring together leading experts in the fields of Organoid Discovery, Phenotypic Screening, Targeted Protein Degradation, AI Computational Drug Design and Lead Optimization.

Attend our talk

Thursday, June 9, 02:35 - 03:05 pm (CEST)

CRISPR Cell Line Development Revolutionized: Direct Intra-Nuclear Injection With FluidFM Enables Multi KO/KI And Exotic Cell Lines

Sensitive cells? Complex edits? We create the cell line for you.

Cytosurge provides you guaranteed monoclonal cell lines – even for hard-to-transfect and rare cells, complex edits like knock-ins with large repair templates, or multiple knock-outs. 

During the presentation of Dr. Pablo Doerig, VP Research Solutions, you will learn more about our service enabled by our proprietary FluidFM® technology:

  • What is FluidFM and how can it be applied to cell line engineering

  • True single cell genome engineering: the power of the bottom-up approach

  • High quality monoclonal cell lines by reducing off-target editing and avoiding the tedious selection process

  • Customized design and consulting by our experts

  • Recent customer projects

Dr. Pablo Doerig, VP Research Solutions at Cytosurge

Visit the Discovery Europe event website

Date & Time
Thursday June 09, 2022
Start - 8:20 AM (Europe/Amsterdam)
Friday June 10, 2022
End - 4:05 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)

Hotel Palace Berlin

Budapester Str. 45
10787 Berlin
+49 30 25020
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Oxford Global Marketing Ltd

+44 1865 248455

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