Gentle and accurate single-cell injection and cytoplasmic biopsies.
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Overview of FluidFM® systems
Depending on your specific application and automation needs, and whether you already have a compatible AFM, you may choose the FluidFM ADD-ON or FluidFM OMNIUM Platform.
Features & Benefits
Both FluidFM systems are compatible with the full FluidFM Probe range and can perform all three FluidFM modes - Pick & Place, Injection & Sampling and Dispensing & Nanoprinting. Both systems combine three key features:
The semi-automated workflows and the volume quantification ensure a precise control over your injection or extraction.
Whether you want to inject into or extract from the nucleus or the cytoplasm of a single cell, the FluidFM Systems ensure the cell viability.
Pick and Place, probe for adhesion, Injection into or extract from a cell in its native environment.

CRISPR Gene Editing
Find out more about the FluidFM workflow for precision CRISPR genome engineering.

Single-Cell Profiling
Investigate the potential use of the FluidFM for temporal transcriptome analysis.

Perform cell adhesion measurement with the FluidFM technology.