Combining the best of Microfluidics, AFM & Biology with FluidFM®
Go beyond in single-cell manipulation with FluidFM
Explore the FluidFM® resources for Life Sciences and Biology
The FluidFM technology addresses the most common challenges encountered in the research by combining the use of the Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) for biology and life science applications. Nowadays, this technology is suited for a broad range of biological applications from single-cell adhesion, neurosciences to virology. The FluidFM technology supported technological innovations in fields such as CRISPR cell line engineering by speeding-up the cell line development with a direct intra-nuclear CRISPR-delivery.
Go straight to: Single-cell Profiling | CRISPR Cell engineering | Mechanobiology | Additional resources
Discover the biological applications where FluidFM makes the difference.
The applications highlighted on this page represent the current fields of research where the FluidFM technology has found a growing interest over the last decade. The versatility of this unique technology resides in the hollow FluidFM Probes. They exist in a variety of tip shapes, aperture sizes and mechanical specifications, specifically designed to enable three basic modes, perfect to tackle any biological application needs.
Single-cell Profiling
About Single-cell profiling - Educational resources:
Temporal single-cell profiling on biopsies taken from living cells
- Biopsies for Temporal Transcriptome Analysis
In Vitro Disease Modeling with FluidFM
- Next Challenges in Single Cell Lineage Tracing
An Overview of Transcriptomics
- Evolution of single-cell RNA sequencing: from scRNA-seq to Live-seq
- An introduction to a novel single-cell analysis method: single-cell biopsy
- An overview of single-cell manipulation techniques
An overview of single-cell extraction
- An overview of single-cell injection
Cell fate trajectories inference methods, Pseudotime analysis and RNA velocity in the age of single cell omics.
About the Biopsy Solution - Technical resources:
- Cytoplasmic biopsy collection with the FluidFM OMNIUM Platform
- FluidFM OMNIUM Platform
- FluidFM ADD-ON
- FluidFM Technology
Media & Downloads:
- Research Highlight - Live-seq: Live-cell Sequencing with Single-cell Biopsies
- Blog Article - LUTHOR HD: Pushing the Boundaries of Single Cell Transcriptome Analysis by in vitro mRNA amplification
- Application Note - Pioneering the future of "Less-than-a-Cell" Sequencing
- On-Demand Webinar Replay - Cytoplasmic Live-Cell Biopsies for Temporal Single-Cell Profiling
CRISPR Cell Line Engineering
About Cell Line Engineering - Educational resources:
An overview of gene editing techniques
- An overview of transfection methods
- A Short Guide to CRISPR Cancer Research
- CRISPR & Drug Discovery: A Comprehensive Overview
- A Unique Mammalian Cell Transfection Protocol
- Gene Editing Tool: Disrupting Transfection with FluidFM and CRISPR Cas9
- CRISPR Gene Editing with FluidFM
- Custom Cell Line Engineering with FluidFM - Use Cases
About the CellEDIT Service - Technical resources:
- Introduction to CRISPR Knockout Gene Editing with CellEDIT
- An Overview of CellEDIT' CRISPR Cell Line Development Service
- CellEDIT' CRISPR Cell Line Development Workflow
- CellEDIT's Engineered Cell Lines
- CRISPR-Engineered U2OS Cell Line
- CRISPR-Engineered MDA MB 231 Cell Line
- CRISPR-Engineered CHO Cell Line
- CRISPR-Engineered A549 Cell Line
- CRISPR-Engineered Hek293 Cell Line
- CRISPR-Engineered C2C12 Cell Line
- CRISPR-Engineered KPC Cell Line
- CRISPR-Engineered HeLa Cell Line
- CRISPR-Engineered LNCap Cell Line
- CRISPR-Engineered PC3 Cell Line
Media & Downloads
- On-Demand CellEDIT's CRISPR Cell Line Engineering Webinar
- CellEDIT's Service Brochure
- CellEDIT's Application Note n*1 - Introducing the CellEDIT Workflow
- CellEDIT's Application Note n*2 - Overcoming the hard-to-transfect cell line hurdle
- Case Study - Streamlined U2OS Cell Line Modification with the CellEDIT Service Workflow, featuring our CellEDIT Customer: Dr. Kanstantsin Siniuk.
- Open Access Publication featuring CellEDIT: Antony, Justin S., Anabel Migenda Herranz, Tahereh Mohammadian Gol, Susanne Mailand, Paul Monnier, Jennifer Rottenberger, Alicia Roig‐Merino et al. " Accelerated generation of gene-engineered monoclonal CHO cell lines using FluidFM nanoinjection and CRISPR/Cas9" Biotechnology Journal 19, no. 4 (2024): 2300505.
Educational resources:
- An Overview of Cell Adhesion
- An Overview of Cell Force Spectroscopy
- Mechanobiology - Use cases
- An Overview of Mechanobiology with FluidFM
Technical Resources:
Media & Downloads
- Automated Adhesion Application note
Single-cell Adhesion Webinar in collaboration with Nanosurf
Additional resources related to AFM and biological applications
Print any pattern at sub-micrometer resolution. With any ink. In liquid & air.
The FluidFM technology: developed by researchers for researchers.
The FluidFM technology was created more than 10 years ago with the first publication appearing in the journal Nanoletters in 2009. Today, the technology represents more than 120 FluidFM installations spread across the globe and count some of the most prestigious corporations and academic institutions to our loyal and very active customer base. In addition, more than 100 high impact publications have been published over the last few years with FluidFM. The Cytosurge team has also designed tools to facilitate biological research with smoother and reliable processes. The CellEdit Quoter allows any researchers to employ Cytosurge's expertise in CRISPR Cell Line Engineering to fasten their research.