FluidFM – A Novel Toolbox in Neuroscience
Webinar by LAN & Cytosurge

Dr. Paul Monnier from Cytosurge will show how FluidFM paves the way to novel research at the single-cell level in neuroscience.
Studying cellular mechanisms underlying the function of the nervous system is of paramount importance to better comprehend neurological disorders.
FluidFM provides a wide range of innovative methods; from controlled patterned growth to single-cell manipulation, stimulation, and analysis in a gentle manner perfectly suited for sensitive cells such as neurons.
In this webinar, we provide an overview of the extensive functionalities that the FluidFM technology offers for cellular neurobiology:
Pattern: Prepare your template for customized neuronal networks by printing surface patterns.
Pick & Place: Pick your neuron and place it at a specific position.
Stimulate: precisely deposit neurotransmitters, ions, or toxins on a specific cell and position, without the need of tedious caging / uncaging strategies.
Inject: deliver any soluble compound - e.g. CRISPR RNPs - into the cytosol or directly into the nucleus.
Analyze: Investigate the single-cell content by extracting cytosolic or nuclear content on the spot.
Introduction by Lab Automation Network
Introduction of the FluidFM technology
Functionalities of FluidFM for neurobiology
About the speakers

Dr. Paul Monnier
Technical Sales Manager,
Dr. Paul Monnier obtained his PhD in molecular biology from University Pierre and Marie Curie in Paris, while working on non-coding RNAs involved in epigenetic growth control of the embryo. After a postdoc at ETH Zurich, working on CRISPR genetic screens, he joined Cytosurge to set up their new biology laboratory. Here, he develops applications and protocols related to FluidFM technology in the field of Life Sciences.

Dr. Martin Winter
Managing Director,
Lab Automation Network
Dr. Martin Winter is founder and CEO of Lab Automation Network. He studied chemistry at RWTH Aachen University and at the University of Constance, Germany. For his PhD thesis on automated combinatorial chemistry, he joined the University of Tübingen, Germany, in 1994. From 1998 to 2008, he was CEO of accelab GmbH, a manufacturer of customized laboratory automation systems. In 2008, he founded Lab Automation Network and since then conducts lab automation projects for customers from a wide range of industries.