LAN OMICS Activity Day

Registrations are closed
Join us for the Omics Activity Day in Tübingen on September 26, 

hosted by Qlucore, Cytosurge, and the Lab Automation Network (LAN). This exclusive event will provide a unique opportunity to learn how to analyze your biological datasets and leverage Omics for molecular tumor classification. Discover the latest advancements in single-cell technologies and explore cutting-edge tools that can transform your research applications.

 Register here

Explore how the FluidFM OMNIUM platform allows for subcellular biopsies to be taken from the cytoplasm of single cells while maintaining their viability. The small cytoplasmic samples can then be prepared for downstream analysis, such as RNA sequencing, all while the original cells remain alive, observable, and ready for further characterization. This session is a must for researchers looking to explore new frontiers in single-cell analysis and transcriptomics.

Don't miss this opportunity to see cutting-edge technology in action and learn how it can advance your research!


📆 September 26th 

🕒 From 9:00 to 3:00 PM (Europe / Zurich)

🚩 Lab Automation Network, Eisenbahnstraße 1, 72072 Tübingen Germany


  9:00 - 11:30 Qlucore Omics Explorer Introduction Training

​11:​30 ​- 12:00 ​​ Molecular Diagnostics using Transcriptomics and Proteomics

12:00 - 13:00  ​Lunch and Networking

13:00 - 15:00 ​ Temporal Single-cell Profiling and Transcriptomics
​     by Dr. Tamás Gerecsei - Instrument Sales Manager at Cytosurge

If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please contact directly, Tamás at!

Date & Time
Thursday September 26, 2024
9:00 AM 3:00 PM (Europe/Zurich)

LAN - Lab Automation Network

Eisenbahnstrasse 1
72072 Tübingen
+49 7071 6039 026
Get Directions​

LAN - Lab Automation Network

+49 7071 6039 026

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