Welcome Note
Simon EgliDone
Multi-omics analysis of keratinocytes reveals dermokine-dependent regulation of cell-cell adhesion via p120 - Session Gene engineering and CRISPR
Dr. Vahap CanbayDone
Welcome Note
Pascal BehrDone
FluidFM as an enabling tool in bioelectronics research
Prof. Janos VörösDone
Inducing Novel Endosymbioses by Bacteria Implantation into Fungi
Gabriel GigerDone
Implementing Live-seq on a triple-negative breast cancer cell line - Session: Single-cell RNA sequencing: Live-seq and biopsies
Margot Le-BotDone
Closing Note
Nanoinjection of extracellular vesicles to single live cells by robotic fluidic force microscopy
Kinga Dóra KovácsDone
Apero and poster presentation
Round table discussion
Coffee break
10/29/24, 10:20 AM
10/29/24, 10:50 AM
(30 minutes)