Coffee break
The FluidFM for nano-spotting and adhesion investigation
Dr. Christine Mueller-RennoDone
Apero and poster presentation
Non-Fouling Multi-Azide Polyoxazoline Coatings for micro-fluidics applications
Dr. Samuele TosattiDone
Investigation of interactions between functionalized nanoparticles and living cells with robotic FluidFM
Anna BaloghDone
Can Live-Seq Go Viral?
Dr. Orane Guillaume-GentilDone
Genome editing in single cells: Measurement considerations for emerging technologies
Dr. Simona PatangeDone
Accelerated generation of gene-engineered monoclonal CHO cell lines using FluidFM nanoinjection and CRISPR/Cas9 - Session Gene engineering and CRISPR
Dr. Justin AnthonyDone
Welcome Note
Simon EgliDone
FluidFM as an enabling tool in bioelectronics research
Prof. Janos VörösDone
Round table discussion
10/29/24, 10:50 AM
10/29/24, 11:35 AM
(45 minutes)
- Prof. Bart Deplancke EPFL, Switzerland
- Prof. Janos Vörös, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Moderation by Dr. Tobias Beyer and Tamás Gerecsei - Cytosurge AG