Accelerated generation of gene-engineered monoclonal CHO cell lines using FluidFM nanoinjection and CRISPR/Cas9 - Session Gene engineering and CRISPR
Dr. Justin AnthonyDone
Genome editing in single cells: Measurement considerations for emerging technologies
Dr. Simona PatangeDone
Welcome Note
Simon EgliDone
Investigation of interactions between functionalized nanoparticles and living cells with robotic FluidFM
Anna BaloghDone
Inducing Novel Endosymbioses by Bacteria Implantation into Fungi
Gabriel GigerDone
Social Activity - Bowling
Updates from the Cytosurge Applications team
Closing Note
Welcome Note
Pascal BehrDone
The FluidFM for nano-spotting and adhesion investigation
10/29/24, 2:05 PM
10/29/24, 2:40 PM
(35 minutes)
Dr. Christine Mueller-Renno
Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany